About Us
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About Us

This is who we are and what we do.

We Are Industry Leaders

At Mass Spec, we innovate and deliver reliable solutions for detecting substances. Mass Spec offers a range of services, including equipment provision, laboratory support, consulting, and expert witness assistance. Our laboratory caters to the needs of law enforcement and private enterprises seeking advanced forensic analytical technologies


The industry-leading expertise of Mass Spec is a result of years dedicated to studying, researching, and developing both its people and processes. Mass Spec actively engages in pivotal industries, leveraging its extensive experience, insights, and relationships to provide exceptional value for its clients.

Our Technology

We use adapted triple quadrupole mass spectrometers a diverse array of sampling instruments that has been specifically designed to address various forensic analytical hurdles. These challenges encompass the examination of attire, automobiles, textiles, boarding passes or tickets, cell phones, and currency. Presently, our trace laboratory boasts seven triple quadrupole mass spectrometer systems, each assigned to analyze an assortment of forensic samples for drug traces.